Tuesday, May 29, 2012

39 week update

I'm not 39 weeks till Saturday but I had my appointment today. I'm at a 1 and 50% effaced, woohoo! Progress! I was the same with Tatum up until my water broke so we'll see if I progress anymore this week. My doc still thinks sister will be very close to 7 lbs if not 7. He also thinks she'll be here before 41 weeks so hopefully he's right and I won't have to be induced.
Tomorrow Billy and I will be married for 3 years! Never in a million years when I said "I do" did I think we'd celebrate our 3rd anniversary with a 15 month old and 38.5 weeks pregnant.
Friday will be an exciting day because I will get to meet my nephew Charlie! Brooke, my SIL, is having a planned C-section Friday morning. We share the same doctor so hopefully it won't be like Father of the Bride ll :) it still hasn't hit me that I can have a baby any moment but I'm sure meeting Charlie will make it feel very real
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

38 Weeks

Right now I feel like I should be 43 weeks. The last few days I've been pretty uncomfortable and have had more stretching. Grow baby grow! Not much has changed since last weeks appointment. My cervix has softened but that's about it. Im just now 38 weeks but have my 39 week appointment Tuesday so hopefully I've made progress this week. My doc thinks the baby is around 6.5 lbs right now. Tatum was 6 lbs 11 oz so they will probably be close in weight. Doc thinks sister will be Tatum's size or a little bigger if I have her a few days before 40 weeks like Tatum. I've gained 32 lbs thus far and the biggest part of my stomach is 43"

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

37 Weeks

I'm full term this week, crazy! Thankfully I haven't been too uncomfortable this week. Week 35 and 36 I had a lot of stretching, the baby dropped, and Tatum was fussy so I'm glad that's over. I was worn out. I've been taking naps the last few days and that has seemed to help. I haven't napped hardly any this trimester because I won't sleep good at night if I do but I haven't been sleeping good anyway so I figured I might as well give in to an afternoon nap.

I was checked this week and there's nothing going on down there. I thought I would be disappointed but I didn't care. I was just glad it didn't hurt this time around. I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced at 38 and 39 weeks with Tatum so we'll see if anything changes next week.

I've had a few more contractions but nothing major. I had them for 30-45 minutes a few nights ago and that's about it.

I lost a lb. this week- how did that happen? Because I have not slowed down on on the sweets one bit. I didn't gain any weight at 37 weeks with Tatum. Maybe there's something special about 37 weeks? Who knows. As of right now I've gained 30 lbs. I think I gained 32 or 35 lbs with Tatum.

The nursery isn't finished but it's come a long way. The walls and changing table are painted. Curtains are made and baby's clothes are put away. My mom recovered a lamp for me so I'm busy making yo-yo's to go on the shade. I packed our hospital this week and made a couple of matching shirts for the girls.

Large and in charge

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