Thursday, November 17, 2011

11 weeks

Very tired at 11 weeks

Im still battling nausea but it's not near as bad as it was. I'll have a few good days and then have a bad morning or evening but that's about all day nausea so that's a huge blessing.I'm pretty tired at night and my stomach gets sore from carrying Tates.I've had a few Mac & cheese stomach is huge at night! Like 20+ weeks, no lie.
We're flying to houston tomorrow for my brothers wedding.we will be getting up at 4:30, yikes! We'll see how tatum & momma's nausea handle 4:30.I'm a little nervous to see how tatum handles flying.the problem is we're flying during her nap, which would be great for most parents but tatum will not sleep in our arms.praying for safe,smooth flights!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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